Killer Instinct 2 follows on from the plot line that the previous installment ended with. Eyedol's death at the hands of Orchid accidentally sets off a time warp, transporting some...
Walk into the arena, take a bow, and prepare for the most intense combat simulation ever! Over nine controllable fighters are yours to command, complete with an arsenal of face-bus...
Plasma Sword: Nightmare of Bilstein is a 3D weapon-based fighting video game released by Capcom for the arcades. It is the sequel to Star Gladiator and runs on the ZN-2 hardware, a...
In Söldner-X 2: Final Prototype, you will return to Gota IV as part of the Soldner-X defense force. Mankind will once more rely on your battle against new mysterious powers. Staged...
Rebuilt and reimagined on the Unreal 4 engine. Armed with only a shotgun, explore an infinite number of procedurally generated dungeons avoiding traps, collecting loot, and fightin...
The original version of Street Fighter EX2 retains all the features from the previous game, Street Fighter EX Plus, including original features such as Guard Breaks (unique moves w...
The Street Fighter EX fighting system uses fighting systems of the Street Fighter II and Street Fighter Alpha series. In many ways, EX still plays like a 2D fighting game, but the...
DJ Max Portable 2 introduces one more gameplay mode and offers a song selection of more than 60 tunes. In the new Fever Mode, you fill up your Fever ability which, when activated,...
Get ready to crumble! Once again, the clay fighters prove that when you play a state-of-the-art fighter, you might lose lives, you might lose limbs, but there's no reason to lose y...
Through time and space he finest warriors in creation have gathered together for the ultimate showdown. At the behest of Death himself, angel will fight demon, wizard will fight wa...
Dance ManiaX 2nd MIX is the second installment in Konami's Dance ManiaX Installment.
Приготовьтесь вновь принять участие в турнире в триумфальном возвращении Mortal Kombat. Полная перезагрузка франшизы, эта последняя итерация сочетает в себе совершенно новый игрово...
Dissidia Final Fantasy - это файтинг на 3D-арене с элементами RPG, в котором участвуют 20 персонажей, героев и злодеев из первых 10 игр final fantasy, объединенных богом раздора и...
Mortal Kombat X - десятая основная игра серии единоборств и продолжение Mortal Kombat 2011 года выпуска. Игра остается близкой к визуальному стилю и механике перезагрузки 2011 года...
Mortal Kombat: Deception - шестая часть франшизы Mortal Kombat. Основанная на движке Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance, игрокам вновь предстоит сражаться, чтобы остановить новую угроз...
Mortal Kombat: Unchained is the portable equivalent of the console game Mortal Kombat: Deception. It contains all the characters from the GameCube version, along with four exclusiv...