Сейчас 2054 год. Магия вернулась в мир, пробудив могущественных существ из мифов и легенд. Технология сливается с плотью и сознанием. Эльфы, тролли, орки и гномы ходят среди нас, в...
Shadowrun: Hong Kong - третья автономная игра в серии cRPG Shadowrun от Harebrained Schemes, получившей признание критиков. Испытайте самый впечатляющий Shadowrun на сегодняшний де...
Shadowrun: Dragonfall - Director's Cut - это отдельный релиз кампании Dragonfall от безрассудных схем, получившей признание критиков, премьера которой состоялась в качестве основно...
Shadowrun is an action role-playing game.It was adapted from the cyberpunk role-playing game Shadowrun.The game is the second video game adapted from Shadowrun, and has a more open...
Shadowrun, based on the pen-and-paper RPG of the same name, is a futuristic sci-fi/fantasy game, taking inspiration from Neuromancer, Blade Runner, and other cyberpunk stories.
Lead your team of Runners to survive a corrupt megacorporation’s intrigue threatening thousands of lives in this new action-strategy game set in the most popular cyberpunk universe...
Shadowrun is a first-person shooter introducing mild cyberpunk elements to the gameplay. The game takes place in Brazil in the year 2031: before the events that shaped the Shadowru...
Берлин. Изменчивое государство: стабильная анархия, поддерживаемая постоянно меняющейся коалицией мегакорпораций, политических фракций и опытных игроков власти. Место, где можно на...
In addition to the Genesis and SNES versions of Shadowrun, a Sega CD version was released only in Japan. This version more of an interactive fiction than an action RPG, like its co...
Sixth months have passed after Farren and Boji's last adventure in Stray Blade. Join both in the next chapter and protect Acrea from a new enemy which threatens to take over the lo...
Shadowrun Collection Shadowrun Returns The unique cyberpunk-meets-fantasy world of Shadowrun has gained a huge cult following since its creation nearly 25 years ago. Creator Jo...
Complete your tactical RPG Shadowrun collection from developer Harebrained Schemes with this definitive bundle which contains: Shadowrun Returns + Deluxe upgrade (includes Antholog...