8.4 Shadowrun: Dragonfall - Director's Cut (2014)
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Shadowrun: Dragonfall - Director's Cut (2014)

Shadowrun: Dragonfall - Director's Cut - это отдельный релиз кампании Dragonfall от безрассудных схем, получившей признание критиков, премьера которой состоялась в качестве основного дополнения к Shadowrun Returns. Режиссерская версия добавляет множество нового контента и улучшений к оригинальной игре: 5 совершенно новых миссий, альтернативные концовки, новая музыка, переработанный интерфейс, возможности настройки команды, обновленная боевая система и многое другое - что делает ее окончательной... развернуть


Man Meets Magic & Machine.

In 2012, magic returned to our world, awakening powerful creatures of myth and legend. Among them was the Great Dragon Feuerschwinge, who emerged without warning from the mountains of Germany, unleashing fire, death, and untold destruction across the countryside. It took German forces nearly four months to finally shoot her down - and when they did, their victory became known as The Dragonfall.

It’s 42 years later - 2054 - and the world has changed. Unchecked advances in technology have blurred the line between man and machine. Elves and trolls walk among us, ruthless corporations bleed the world dry, and Feuerschwinge’s reign of terror is just a distant memory. Germany is splintered - a stable anarchy known as the “Flux State” controls the city of Berlin. It’s a place where power is ephemeral, almost anything goes, and the right connections can be the difference between success and starvation. For you and your team of battle-scarred... развернуть


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