A game for the Pokémon Mini in which the player must guide the Pokémon Togepi through various obstacles. It is one of the few Pokémon Mini games to utilize the system's gyroscope f...
A follow-up to the previous year's Pokémon Puzzle Collection for the Pokémon Mini, Vol.2 features both an increased number of Pokémon and a wider variety of mini-games
A collection of puzzle mini-games for the Pokémon Mini featuring several Pokémon Characters.
Pokémon Pinball mini (Japanese: ポケモンピンボールミニ Pokémon Pinball mini) is a spin-off pinball game for the Pokémon mini. It has a total of 90 levels. The levels involve using...
Pokemon party Mini is handheld game developed for the Pokémon Mini system. This game came bundled with the system.
Pichu Bros. Mini is a collection of several mini games, similar to Pokémon Party Mini.
Pokemon Sodateyasan Mini (also known as Pokémon Breeder Mini) is a Tamagotchi-like life simulation, in which the player cares for a young Pokémon : Torchic, Treecko, or Mudkip.