Pokémon Tetris is a game released as part of Pokémon mini. It has only been released in Japan and Europe. It was classified by the ESRB as E for Everyone under the title Pokémon Mi...
A follow-up to the previous year's Pokémon Puzzle Collection for the Pokémon Mini, Vol.2 features both an increased number of Pokémon and a wider variety of mini-games
Pokémon Race Mini is a platform racing competition where the player controls a Pikachu racing against other Pokémon.
Snorlax's Lunchtime is a simple mini-game. Here, various items get put in front of Snorlax and you have to press the A button to eat it. The sooner you press the A Button, the more...
Pokemon party Mini is handheld game developed for the Pokémon Mini system. This game came bundled with the system.
A game for the Pokémon Mini in which the player must guide the Pokémon Togepi through various obstacles. It is one of the few Pokémon Mini games to utilize the system's gyroscope f...
A collection of puzzle mini-games for the Pokémon Mini featuring several Pokémon Characters.
A small collection of four card games featuring Pokémon-oriented cards.
Pokémon Pinball mini (Japanese: ポケモンピンボールミニ Pokémon Pinball mini) is a spin-off pinball game for the Pokémon mini. It has a total of 90 levels. The levels involve using...
Pokemon Sodateyasan Mini (also known as Pokémon Breeder Mini) is a Tamagotchi-like life simulation, in which the player cares for a young Pokémon : Torchic, Treecko, or Mudkip.
Clone of Nokia Snake, no sound but the machine rumble when you eat fruit.
Pichu Bros. Mini is a collection of several mini games, similar to Pokémon Party Mini.
A port of the hit mobile game Flappy Bird. This is also the first Pokémon mini game to use the system in a vertical orientation.
Pokémon Psychic Seeds is a homebrew puzzle-platform game for the Pokémon mini. The player controls Exeggcute eggs, and has to cycle through all of them to solve puzzles and take th...
A game about a fruit fly. His name is Frank
Galactix is a space shmup homebrew developed for the Pokémon Mini.
Sonic & Mario are in Hell but they have no intention to stay here and they want to escape ! Plus , they have infinite lives too… Don’t let them go ! This game was made for the re-r...
Cortex is a puzzle game in which you have to clear all blocks from a room by pushing 3 or more matching blocks together to make them disappear. Features a total of 40 levels.