Diddy Kong Racing is set on Timber's Island and revolves around Diddy Kong and his friends' attempt to defeat the intergalactic antagonist, a wizarding pig named Wizpig, through wi...
In the tradition of F-Zero and Wipeout, AeroGauge is a sci-fi racer that pits you and a friend in a fast paced race to the finish through futuristic tracks and among detailed craft...
Test your reflexes in this game endless runner futuristic! How far you are able to get there? You'll drive your hovercraft ever increasing speed you will need to dodge other player...
Terrakian Pirates have taken over a colonized planet under Federation control. They've set up an atmospheric cannon, making invasion impossible. Your job, as a hovercraft pilot, is...
HoverRace is a racing video game created by GrokkSoft in 1996.
The adrenaline-fuelled anti-gravity ships of PlayStation’s Wipeout series combine with compelling merge gameplay and card collection in Wipeout Merge. Merge iconic Wipeout ships a...