В будущем люди покинули Землю и расселились по всей галактике. На Марсе аэрокосмическая корпорация Union создала хранилище радиоактивных отходов и разрешила военным проводить экспе...
Wolfenstein 3D - это шутер от первого лица, представленный элементарной 3D-графикой и являющийся продолжением игры с проникновением сверху вниз Castle Wolfenstein. Игра разбита на...
Worms сочетает в себе лучшие элементы самых лучших из когда-либо созданных игр. Она требует глубокого размышления, стратегии и элементов просто запредельной удачи. Она предоставляе...
Throughout the 20th century, an unprecedented political and economic crisis afflicted Earth, leading to the systematic disabling of it's programme to conquer outer space through la...
Pitfall: The Mayan Adventure is a side-scrolling action game where players assume the role of adventurer Pitfall Harry Jr. as he searches for his father, Pitfall Harry. The game fe...
Cannon Fodder is an action-strategy shoot 'em up game developed by Sensible Software and published by Virgin Interactive. The game is military-themed and based on shooting action b...
Вы унаследовали состояние от эксцентричной тети, и в ее завещании говорится, что деньги можно потратить на строительство самого большого и прибыльного тематического парка в мире....
A meteor struck the Earth, and caused great chaos. Seven gods from ancient times awoke, and are now attempting to take control of the post-apocalyptic world. Primal Rage is a one-...
Raiden consists of eight vertical scrolling missions where the player maneuvers the Raiden craft dodging and destroying enemy robots, buildings, ground targets, and aircraft. There...
In Space Ace you play the heroic Ace who must stop the evil Commander Borf from taking over the Earth! Borf plans to reduce all of humankind to infants and take over the planet.
Haven't heard of Dragon's Lair?! Well, you play the heroic Dirk the Daring, a valiant knight on a quest to rescue the fair princess from the clutches of an evil dragon! Originally...
After the success of Pinball Dreams on several systems, a sequel featuring four new tables was created. The gameplay is much the same as the first game, with realistic physics, mul...
Dragon: The Bruce Lee Story is a multiplatform fighting video game based on the film Dragon: The Bruce Lee Story, which is a semi-fictionalized account of the life of Bruce Lee.
Вы воин-хищник в 25 веке - устрашающий монстр с уродливым лицом, грубой силой и очень крутым оружием. Обучен сражаться со всем, что может предложить технология хищников - уничтожай...
Tempest 2000 is a tube shooter video game. Taking control of the claw-shaped Blaster spacecraft from the original game, the player has to survive and travel across multiple levels...
Double Dragon V: The Shadow Falls! Featuring 12 big lightning-fast characters! Four to six special moves for each fighter! Set your own strength, defense and more. Three different...
All hell is about to break loose! Stop the Evil Ninja Lord Gyaku from opening the Dragon Cloud temple's portal to Hell and unleashing his demon minions upon Kasumi Island and the w...
Loopz is a puzzle video game originally designed and programmed by Ian Upton for the Atari ST in 1989. He previously worked as head game designer for Audiogenic, who acquired exclu...
Fast-paced action-puzzle game where the player eliminates colored shapes that are approaching his alter ego, another colored shape, before they reach the top, ala Tetris. In order...
Порт Jaguar графически в основном такой же, как порт 3DO. Основными отличиями являются различная музыка из-за разной генерации звука, подсветка кнопок отличается, а мини-карта выпо...
Switchblade is a computer platform game developed by Core Design and released by Gremlin Graphics in 1989. The player guides the protagonist, Hiro, through a flip-screen platform...
Vid Grid is a tile-matching full motion video puzzle game originally developed by Geffen Records and published by Jasmine Multimedia Publishing for Windows on September 13, 1994. I...
Brutal Football is a Football game, developed by Teque Interactive and published by Millennium, which was released in Europe in 1993.
The names of the two player characters are Captain Carnage and Major Mayhem. Blast your way through the Baby Milk Factory and fight Orcus, the Mother of All Bosses. Collect keys to...
Blue Lightning is a combat flight simulation video game developed by Attention to Detail and published by Atari Corporation exclusively for the Atari Jaguar CD on September 21, 199...
Bubsy in: Fractured Furry Tales was released December 15, 1994 for the Atari Jaguar. This title sets Bubsy traversing across various fairy tales. The game sees Bubsy taking on the...
Iron Soldier 2 is a first-person 3D giant mech game. Players must pilot their building-sized robots in a variety of missions ranging from search-and-destroy to surgical attacks to...
Sure, you've always wanted to blaze down the streets of San Francisco in a souped-up hot rod, just like in those action movies. But have you ever wanted to scramble across the livi...