4.9 Zoop (1995)
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Zoop (1995)

Дата выхода: 01 февраля 1995
Жанры Головоломка / Квест, Вид сверху
Платформы PC, PS1, Mac, SNES, Sega MegaDrive, Saturn, Game Boy, Game Gear, Jaguar

Fast-paced action-puzzle game where the player eliminates colored shapes that are approaching his alter ego, another colored shape, before they reach the top, ala Tetris. In order to eliminate the other shapes, you must point your piece at it and 'fire'. If the shape is the same color as your piece, the shape is eliminated, as well as all of the shapes of the same color behind it, until your piece hits a piece of a different color. If the shape is of a different color, or it is hit when collect... развернуть


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Даты выхода

Game Boy 31.01.1997
Sega Saturn 29.11.1996
PlayStation 31.12.1995
Mac 31.12.1995
Sega Mega Drive / Genesis 31.12.1995
Sega Game Gear 31.12.1995
Atari Jaguar 31.12.1995
PC (Microsoft Windows) 30.09.1995
Super Nintendo Entertainment System 01.02.1995



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