Throughout the 20th century, an unprecedented political and economic crisis afflicted Earth, leading to the systematic disabling of it's programme to conquer outer space through la...
Iji is an action-packed strategic platform shooter with a detailed story, large levels with multiple paths, powerful bosses and lots of secrets. There are alternate gameplay events...
Albert and Otto is a story about a boy and his abducted sister's magical bunny. They embark on a journey to find her, overcoming murderous beasts and lethal puzzles by working toge...
Death by Dark Shadows is a Prince of Persia inspired platforming game by William R. Fisher III. Only a 5 level beta of the game is known to exist today, as the original code has be...
Plasticity is a 2.5D cinematic platformer about a young girl named Noa who explores and decides the future of her post-oil, plastic-ridden world. Set in the year 2140, in a world w...
Lunark is a 2D cinematic platformer in the vein of '80s and '90s classics. Run, jump, hang, climb, roll, and shoot your way through mysterious alien ruins, a flying penitentiary, a...
Unlit is a short story based platform game. It has many hidden secrets and paths which come as you progress along with a beautiful side scrolling arcade gameplay. This game is f...
A cinematic platformer game akin to Another World or Flashback, with a bit more emphasis on dialog.
ArtFormer is a story-driven cinematic platformer with RPG elements. This Indie game project consists of four challenging story chapters each with a unique hero, different gameplay,...
Green Five is a surreal sci-fi adventure game in the style of Prince of Persia and Out of This World. You guide R76384EJ, a computer-generated lifeform who must fight through an ar...
Set in a dystopian future, Full Void is a 2D Cinematic Puzzle Platformer telling the story of a young teenager alone in a hostile world controlled by a rogue AI. Fight your way thr...
In The Tipping Point, you play as Cass, an arctic climate researcher. You must get off the ice sheet before it collapses. On your way, you will gather and analyze data about the ic...
The soul of a cinematic platformer with the heart of a sci-fi thriller, The Last Night is set in a post-cyberpunk world with a deep, vibrant vision of the future.
The Eldritch Monarch is a single-player adventure game designed for the Sega Mega Drive/Genesis and modern systems. Step into a Lovecraftian world shrouded in eternal winter. The E...