Released in 1994, Wild Guns is a shooting gallery video game for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System, developed by Natsume. Its setting is a unique blend of the Wild West, stea...
During the events of the first, the original Virtua Cops, Michael Rage Hardy and James Smarty Cools shut down the E.V.I.L Inc. criminal empire. Three of its leaders, King, Boss, an...
Tales of the Unknown: Volume I, better known as The Bard's Tale, is an RPG developed by Interplay Productions in 1985 originally for the Apple II. It was quickly ported to numerous...
Sunset Riders is a side-scrolling run and gun video game developed and released by Konami in 1991. It is set in the American Old West, where the players take control of bounty hunt...
Our story begins in the capital, where Shiren the Wanderer and his sidekick Koppa encounter an old friend. Known as Sensei he is both Shiren's uncle and his master, having taught h...
В Истории игрушек 3: Видеоигра помогите Баззу, Вуди и остальным игрушкам позаботиться о том, чтобы ни одна игрушка не осталась позади. Погрузитесь во все новые героические приключе...
Disaster strikes Imagica Island and Wicked Wainwright's taken over! He's kidnapped the four island leaders, separated them, and has them under the watchful eyes of the Demon Guardi...
Based of the 1994 movie remake of Frankenstein, the player is the artificial man created by Victor Frankenstein. After Victor rejects his creation due to its hideous appearance, th...
The game begins with an opening vignette that is determined by the alignment of the party. All of these require the player to start in the town of Hommlet.
Возьмите под свой контроль агентов Invisible на местах и внедритесь в самые опасные корпорации мира. Скрытность, точность и командная работа необходимы в миссиях с высокими ставкам...
Bandits are holding up a bank and have taken people hostage, and as a gunslinger, it's your job to shoot them. The bank has 12 doors, and the bandits are behind each one of them. W...
Добро пожаловать на Дикий Запад, каким вы его никогда раньше не видели. Когда трагический поворот событий ставит одного человека на путь сверхъестественного хаоса и мести, он долже...
В этой моей войне вы играете не за элитного солдата, а за группу мирных жителей, пытающихся выжить в осажденном городе; борющихся с нехваткой еды, медикаментов и постоянной опаснос...
Quest For Infamy - это классическая приключенческая игра Укажи и щелкни, в которой ты берешь на себя роль мистера Рема, человека, пытающегося начать все сначала после побега из тем...
Geneforge 3 is the next, huge installment of the Geneforge saga. In this fantasy adventure, you can explore strange, hostile lands, choose which side you will fight for, and, as al...
Republic: The Revolution is a computer game produced by Elixir Studios, founded by Demis Hassabis , a former programmer of Lionhead Studios and published by Eidos Interactive. It h...
Express Raider was produced by Data East in 1986.
Battle Brothers - это пошаговая стратегическая RPG, в которой вы возглавляете компанию наемников в суровом, маломощном средневековом фэнтезийном мире. Вы решаете, куда идти, кого н...
Avernum is one of the great tales of indie gaming, an epic series of fantasy role-playing adventurers set in an enormous, subterranean nation. Avernum is a land underground, a subt...
Wild Gunman is a game that was first released in arcades in 1974 by Nintendo. The original version of the game featured a 16mm-projection screen that had the player shoot the gunma...
Окунитесь в западное приключение, вдохновленное классическими JRPG прошлых лет и легендарным американским Диким Западом! Вы и еще до трех друзей играете за Кида, Дока, Муна и Рози...
Catan is an adaptation of the multiplayer board game Settlers of Catan, with special features exclusively for the console version. Players take on the roles of settlers, each attem...
Maal is an unhappy bug who needs structure and a purpose in his life, so he joins the royal army under the tutelage of the battle-hardened mantis warrior Tiernan. Now, he must begi...
Cliff Hanger is a laserdisc video game that was released by Stern Electronics in 1983. It is an interactive movie which requires the player to press a button or move the joystick i...
The objective of the game is to maneuver the bagman through various mine shafts, picking up money bags and placing them in a wheelbarrow at the surface of the mine. The player must...
The West is out of control and a new sheriff is in town. As you wander through the dusty streets of this cowboy town keeping law in order, you are encountered by many characters ra...
Gekitotsu Dangan Jidousha Kessen: Battle Mobile (roughly Breakthrough Bullet: Final Car Fight: Battle Mobile) is a vehicular combat game from System Sacom, which was released on th...