Пожалуйста, убей меня. Если ты выйдешь со мной, тогда я убью тебя. Их странное обещание сформировало своеобразную связь между ними двумя. Где они? Почему их поймали? Они отчаянно...
The Witch's House вписывается в традицию японских хоррор-ролевых игр с большим акцентом на решение головоломок и пугающие прыжки. Среди других работ в этом жанре, таких как Ib и Ao...
A fan game based off of Shin Megami Tensei main series ported from VX. Has 2 story modes: a 24-30h main story, and a 6 hour side story with basic demon recruitment. This is a one m...
Вы оказались в ловушке эксперимента, пытаясь найти способы сделать вас по-прежнему самим собой, проявить настойчивость и выжить.
Re:Kinder is a freeware horror game by Parun (Horafuki Yokochou) made in RPG Maker VX. It's a remake of Kinder, originally released in 2003 with RPG Maker 2003. Third-grader Shuns...
Kirishima, an underworld escort, is tasked by his superior Rokkaku to capture the deceased one, Maki, who his fellow escort Kinoshita had disappeared while pursuing. He heads to a...
Daguri: Gambling Apocalypse is an open world gambling simulator. You must help ‘Daguri’ pay the debts he racked up during an unintended gambling spree. Roam the world, bet on gambl...
HetaOni is a Hetalia fangame based on the popular horror RPG game Ao Oni by noprops, first made by Tomoyoshi with RPG Maker XP (this version was just shown as videos) and then prog...
A Halloween tale of a dead man trying to visit his girlfriend and wish her farewell.
Star Stealing Prince is a freeware fantasy RPG created with RPG Maker VX by Ronove (or known as Black Birds of Rye on the official site).
Mashiro is a simple girl with typical father occupied by his work, so it ends up living in her grandmother’s house. After months of living with her grandmother, Shiro (Mashiro) c...
Ange and Bernd head into the forest outside of their village to go hunting, but after getting lost, decide to visit an old house they used to play in as children. They decide to sp...
Lisa the Vegaful is a fangame of Lisa the Painful/Joyful set in eastern Olathe before the events of Joyful. Jerry Cracker, a gang member working for the beautiful warlord Vega Van...
A series of filmed and voiced parables and dissertations connected by gameplay with an audiovisual focus.
The boy made up his mind to face a cruel world. The new special edition of the psychological horror-adventure game Angels of Death, which has also been made into an anime. The past...
Utopia is a free adventure game with elements of horror made by Shintaro in RPG Maker VX in 2014, that can be completed in about an hour that leads to three different endings. It w...
Lisa: The Timeless is a fan game based on the world established by Austin Jorgensen’s title, Lisa: The Painful, as a story set outside of the main plot of the original Lisa trilogy...
Third game in the EXTRAPOWER series by doujin group Lucky Lamp. A strange wind blows across the savannas of Africa, driving the animals into a frenzy, so Zophy and his friends set...
Senna Akizuki wakes up to find herself in a dimly lit school. She is determined to find a way out with her friends. While exploring inside the school, she must uncover the school's...
A young boy called Dell faces a horrible tragedy: his older brother has gone missing. He can’t depend on anyone besides himself, so he decides to wander through a dangerous forest...
Iki had lost her voice due to previous events and thus only speaks internally. She wakes to find herself alone in her home with only the comforting voice named -Lo who resides in t...
The Battle Never Ends is a horror-adventure RPG game that users able to investigate the surroundings and interact with the battle space.
Lisa: The Bashful is a short game inspired by Lisa: The Painful.
This is the final release of the long awaited Markiplier fan-game Dream.exe. But this is so much more than a fan-game, it's an experience. You play as Markiplier when he discovers...
Short yuri-themed RPG Maker game created by rpgex/En. The player controls Galatea, commander of the newly established princess guard,on her adventures trying to protect the adventu...
A Very Long Rope to the Top of the Sky is an RPG Maker Game that is part-dungeon crawler and part-town sim, about a pair of sisters exploring the world after their father dies.
Join Beefmaster Bosser, Mona Lisa, and Fust on a journey of romance, revenge, and maybe redemption. But what is the agenda of the powerful and mysterious Babbt? Alex Porter (aka i...