The House of the Dead III is a 2002 light gun arcade game with a horror zombie-survival theme, and the third installment to the House of the Dead series of video games, developed b...
The House of the Dead is a first-person, light gun arcade game. Players assume the role of agents Thomas Rogan and G in their efforts to repel the dangerous, inhumane experiments o...
The Typing of the Dead is an arcade game that was developed by WOW Entertainment and published by Sega for the NAOMI hardware. The game was released in Japanese arcades in 1999 and...
The House of the Dead 2 is a first-person light gun shooter arcade game with a horror theme and the second game in The House of the Dead series of video games. The direct sequel to...
The House of the Dead 4 Special is a two-player attraction based on The House of the Dead 4. The game makes use of two 100-inch screens, one in front of the players and another beh...
House of the Dead EX is a spin-off of the series and takes more of a comedy approach to the Sega franchise. A light-gun shooter at heart, players will also take part in minigames t...
The House of the Dead 4 is a light gun arcade game with a horror theme and the fourth installment of the House of the Dead series of video games, developed by Sega. The game takes...
Alien Front Online is a Dreamcast video game originally released for the console in 2001. In the game, players use armored vehicles to fight tense battles staged in large, interac...
Sega GT 2002 is a sim racing video game published by Sega. It is the sequel to Wow Entertainment's Racing Game Sega GT, released in 2002. The game was originally intended to be rel...
With a nod towards GT2, Sega tosses in their entry in the race-career-category, meaning that this game is all about racing. Racing to win competitions, cars, money and other prizes...
Sega Marine Fishing is a fishing video game in which the player attempts to catch various marine sport fish. The gameplay's emphasis was on enticing fish to bite onto the lure and...
Put on fishing caps, fill up the coolers, and get ready to play the game that is just like life on the lake. This is the third title in the SEGA Bass Fishing series. Choose a chara...
Princess Dazzle has searched all over for the missing Magic Gems that fill in the Columns Crown. You must help her recover them from a band of Forest Thieves by beating every puzzl...
Wild Riders is a cel-shaded bike racing game released for Sega NAOMI 2 arcade hardware in 2001. You pick from one of two characters Keith Raven or Trish Moon as they make their gre...
Sega GT 2002 is the sequel to Wow Entertainment's Racing Game Sega GT, released in Japan late in 2002 as a competitor to the PlayStation 2's highly successful Gran Turismo 3. The g...
World Series Baseball 2K1 is a sports video game developed by Wow Entertainment and published by Sega for the Dreamcast. It was the first game in the modern series to be featured o...
Players walk a virtual dog by walking on a treadmill and control the pet with a leash attached to a plastic dog in front of the player. Inu no Osanpo simulates the experience of wa...
Home Run King is a baseball game exclusively for the GameCube
Sports Jam has eight competitive sports for players to master in head-to-head 2-player matches. The goal is for the player to earn the title King of Sports, and this can only be do...
A quiz game for the Sega Dreamcast and Sega NAOMI arcade platform, based on the Aa! Megami-sama manga series.