The House of the Dead III is a 2002 light gun arcade game with a horror zombie-survival theme, and the third installment to the House of the Dead series of video games, developed b...
The House of the Dead 4 Special is a two-player attraction based on The House of the Dead 4. The game makes use of two 100-inch screens, one in front of the players and another beh...
Die Hard Arcade is a beat 'em up for two players, who play as either John McClane or Chris Tompsen (Bruno Delinger and Cindy Holiday in the original Japanese version). Players figh...
House of the Dead EX is a spin-off of the series and takes more of a comedy approach to the Sega franchise. A light-gun shooter at heart, players will also take part in minigames t...
The House of the Dead 4 is a light gun arcade game with a horror theme and the fourth installment of the House of the Dead series of video games, developed by Sega. The game takes...
Outrunners is a driving game that allows you to gon a world tour of various stages. Follow the selected drive course by choosing one out of the 8 different type cars whose characte...
A beat 'em up video game published by Sega and initially released in arcades on Sega Model 2 hardware. It is the sequel to the 1996 game, Dynamite Deka which was released outside J...
Another 3rd person perspective arcade flight sim by Sega, similar to their classic After Burner in gameplay but featuring new gameplay mechanics and an entirely polygonal engine....
2 Spicy (or Too Spicy) is a light-gun shooter arcade game developed by Sega. It uses a unique foot controller in addition to a standard light gun. It has both a two-player multipla...
Rambo is a light gun shooter developed by Sega for the arcades in 2008. Based on the films Rambo: First Blood Part II (1985) and Rambo III (1988).
Airline Pilots is a flight simulator released for Sega NAOMI arcade hardware in 1999. The game simulates flying a Boeing 777 aircraft, and was developed with the input of engineers...
SegaSonic Cosmo Fighter Galaxy Patrol is a 2D shoot'em up arcade ride viewed from a top-down perspective. The family-sized cabinet is designed like a spaceship with the feature of...
Waku Waku Sonic Patrol Car is a children ride released on December 1991 exclusively in Japan. The arcade ride is part of Sega's Wakuwaku line and features Sonic the Hedgehog playin...
In Harley-Davidson & L.A. Riders, the player rides one of five Harley-Davidson models. The objective is to complete a series of checkpoints around Los Angeles under a time limit. T...
Wing War is an arcade combat flight simulator game developed by Sega AM1 and manufactured by Sega. Released exclusively to Japanese and American arcades in 1994, the game puts play...