After the success of Pinball Dreams on several systems, a sequel featuring four new tables was created. The gameplay is much the same as the first game, with realistic physics, mul...
JumpStart: Dino Adventure Field Trip focuses on preschool and kindergarten concepts. In this game, Frankie is sent back to the time of the dinosaurs using the Time Machine. He meet...
DICE’s first game was built by five friends from the Amiga demo group The Silents in their spare time. What started out as a demo idea soon became a full-fledged pinball simulation...
JumpStart Wildlife Safari Field Trip for Playstation
A corrupting plague of dark magic grips the world... once lush lands have turned barren, and the inhabitants have become hostile mutant creatures. Now, join the quest of a unique y...
Pinball Fantasies Deluxe is a compilation of two previously released Digital Illusions pinball titles: - Pinball Fantasies - Pinball Mania
Game Boy port of Pinball Fantasies.