After the success of Pinball Dreams on several systems, a sequel featuring four new tables was created. The gameplay is much the same as the first game, with realistic physics, mul...
DICE’s first game was built by five friends from the Amiga demo group The Silents in their spare time. What started out as a demo idea soon became a full-fledged pinball simulation...
One of the most console-style platformers ever seen on the Amiga, Marvin has approximately 60 levels to battle through. There are stars to collect, extra lives on offer, slides, tu...
In Synnergist the player takes the role of Tim Machin, an ambitious young journalist forced by cruel circumstances to work for a trashy tabloid newspaper. Set in the year 2010, the...
Pinball Illusions is the successor to the Pinball Fantasies, using an upgraded game engine. The tables are Babewatch, Law & Justice, Extreme Sports and (on PC CD versions) The Viki...
As in Stormlord, you must rescue as many fairies as possible, on this occasion by catching them out of the sky as they fall. This isn't as easy as it sounds, because this scrolling...
Pinball Fantasies Deluxe is a compilation of two previously released Digital Illusions pinball titles: - Pinball Fantasies - Pinball Mania
The game features four different tables, each with different layouts and features. A large number of sub-games are included, as well as a variety of animations on the LCD panel at...
After the success of Pinball Dreams, Pinball Fantasies and Pinball Illusions, publisher 21st Century Entertainment decided to let Spidersoft instead of Digital Illusions develop a...