Released in 1995, X-Men 2: Clone Wars is a platform game created by Headgames and published by Sega of America for the Mega Drive/Genesis. Serving as a sequel to 1993's X-Men, the...
A fast and furious puzzle game taken to all new heights, FantaVision combines action, shooting, strategy, and puzzle solving in one unique package. Players can combine a wild assor...
Shift Happens - это кооперативный платформер для двух человек. Вы управляете Бисмо и Пломом, которые случайно связаны. Они имеют общую массу и могут сдвинуть ее в любое время. Нажа...
Spinmaster is a platform/beat 'em up arcade game developed and released by Data East in 1993. The story follows the main character Johnny and his sidekick Tom as they battle their...
Compete against the most ruthless giraffes you ever encountered or your friends!
¡Detén el tiempo, lanza portales o embiste a los enemigos para sobrevivir! Nova Assault es un videojuego de 2-3 jugadores que cooperan reunidos en un mismo lugar usando a dos o tre...
Death Squared - это кооперативная головоломка о сотрудничестве, общении и взрывах роботов.
Two Crude Dudes is a 1991 beat 'em up arcade game produced by Data East. The game was later ported to the Sega Genesis in 1992. Outside Japan, the port was released under the name...
Aguante Imaginario is a puzzle-based game about a strange world full of eccentric and unique people. The game consists of six arcade games that vary from a jigsaw to riddles, putti...
Slide-A-Lama is a two player 2D strategy/puzzle game. The goal is to collect most points by matching at least three tiles of the same type in a five-by-five grid. Players take turn...
Captain Toad stars in his own puzzling quest on the Nintendo Switch system! Our stubby hero must dodge dangers and track treasures across many trap-filled courses. Survive smolderi...