Killer Instinct 2 follows on from the plot line that the previous installment ended with. Eyedol's death at the hands of Orchid accidentally sets off a time warp, transporting some...
After a global nuclear war leaves the world in ruins, gangs emerge as the new elite by seizing control of the city. Twin brothers Jimmy and Billy Lee survive the cataclysmic event...
Josh Calloway is an employee of Wisdom Incorporated, well known for its work in gene therapy, genome-based drugs, cloning technology and genetic modification of food. He is subject...
Up to four players must choose control for six different characters from: the United States, the game's home country of Japan, Greece, China, Norway, and Brazil in what is describe...
Select between a group of 11 fighters and clash against each other using your specific moves and attacks. Additionally, each character fights with his own unique weapon, but depend...