Trapped inside a mysterious laboratory and unable to remember his past, Derrick Cole discovers his extraordinary powers, as he fights for survival against a determined military fac...
Onimusha: Warlords is an epic saga of 16th century Japan inspired by the battle scenes of famed Japanese director Akira Kurosawa. It takes place in a world of darkness and magic wh...
An action adventure role-playing game that has a linear storyline with a somewhat open world to travel through and explore. Along with 4 main playable characters mix your team up w...
Ninja Gaiden 3 - первая главная часть современной серии Ninja Gaiden, режиссером которой не является бывший глава Team Ninja Томонобу Итагаки. NG3 включает в себя новую игровую мех...
The original arcade game was advertised in the United States as a sequel to Commando, going as far to refer to the game's main character as Super Joe (the protagonist of Commando)...
For two years, your people have struggled against the relentless onslaught of invading forces. With your army reduced to a handful and your artillery depleted, further resistance s...
Onimusha 2 is the second installment in the Onimusha series of video games released in May of 2002. The game retains the action elements from its predecessor such as the use of mul...
Onimusha: Dawn of Dreams is the sixth installment of Capcom's Onimusha overall series, while being the fourth game in the canonical main series. While game retains the action eleme...
Primal рассказывает историю Дженнифер Тейт, 21-летней девушки, которая ищет своего парня, проходя через ряд демонических миров. По мере развития сюжета раскрывается все больше инфо...
Arcadia is a world where continents float high above, and people travel by airships. Among the countries of this world, the most powerful one is the Empire of Valua. Guided by its...
Diabolical Pitch is an Xbox Live Arcade game from Grasshopper Manufacture, developed exclusively for the Kinect.
Third person survival horror game based on the anime movie and book series of the same name.
You are the ultimate weapon. You are the perfect synthesis of human and machine - a Bionic Commando.Your latest mission - to rescue a fellow commando, Commando Joe - will take you...
Genma Onimusha contained many changes from the original release. Besides the requisite minor graphical upgrade, there were various changes to increase the difficulty. Monsters are...