The 2012 entry of the Climax Heroes series. The controls and mechanics have been revamped, with playstyles similar to a free-roam Marvel vs Capcom. Several tertiary Riders were add...
X-Men: Battle of the Atom is a mobile card game named after and loosely based on the 2013 comic event. Recruit mutants from the past, present, and future to do battle.
Официальная мобильная игра, основанная на блокбастере 2013 года.
Visual novel based on the Tiger & Bunny anime.
Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon SuperS: Youkoso! Sailor Youchien is a video game released for the Playdia by Bandai exclusively in Japan on August 24, 1995.
Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon SuperS: Sailor Moon to Hajimete no Eigo for the Playdia
Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon SuperS: Sailor Moon to Hiragana Lesson! is a video game released for the Playdia by Bandai in 1995.
A variety of HeroClix scenarios that can be played out using special HeroClix in the real-world.
A separate HeroClix TabApp game based on The Amazing Spider-Man film.
Fist of the North Star: 10 Big Brawls for the King of Universe is a one-on-one fighting game for the Game Boy developed by Shouei System and originally released by Toei Animation i...
Hokuto no Ken - Violence Gekiga Adventure is a graphic adventure game that was released for Japanese home computers by Enix on May 1986, making it the very first video game based...
Low budget PC fighting game.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Double Damage is a 2009 online Flash game developed by Urban Squall as a promotional tool for Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Smash-Up. It is playable at...
The first Compati Hero versus fighter in 18 years.
The second visual novel in the Galaxy Fraulein series which still follows the daily adventures of Yuna, schoolgirl, idol, and galactic savior.
The first in a series of visual novels about Yuna, a happy go lucky girl, intergalactic celebrity idol, and Savior of Light in a far future galaxy.
Игра по мотивам одноименного фильма для iOS и Android.
This was an arcade game released in 2000 by Konami (also known as Punch Mania: Hokuto no Ken)
Dengeki Stryker is a visual novel that follows Yuuki Yamato, a young boy who has a great sense of justice and aspires to be a hero. Yamato always tried to protect his childhood fr...
Thor: Son of Asgard features Marvel's superhero in a mobile game released shortly after the movie Thor in 2011. In this game you can play as mighty Thor and defend Odin's Kingdom o...
16-bit platformer featuring Captain America.
Platformer featuring the Ultimate Spider-Man, taking place in the Ultimate Marvel Universe (Earth-1610).
Spider-Man: The Sinister Six was a PC CD-Rom title from the mid-90's which was similar to many Lucas Arts adventure games.
Bleach: Heat the Soul 7 - это новейшая часть серии Heat the Soul, выпущенная 2 сентября 2010 года. Главное изменение в этой игре - режим для 4 игроков.[10] Также были подтверждены...
Iron Man: Aerial Assault is an action-packed airborne shooter where the player uses the high-powered weaponry of Tony Stark's armored suit to battle Iron Man's most dangerous enemi...
Marvel Heroes was the fourth game for the HyperScan console. It is a 3D action/platformer set in the Marvel Universe.
The ace detective is now an out-of-luck duck. Duckman, famed private dick and wise-cracking hero has just discovered his show is gone and so is his family. What fowl work is this?...