Sound Novel Tsukuuru is a Miscellaneous game, developed by Success and published by ASCII Entertainment, which was released in Japan in 1996. It is a Satellaview-compatible Slotted...
SD Gundam G Next is a Strategy game, developed by Japan Art Media (JAM) and published by Bandai, which was released in Japan in 1995. It is a Satellaview-compatible Slotted Cartrid...
Joushou Mahjong Tenpai is a Miscellaneous game, developed by Game Arts and published by Enix Corporation, which was released in Japan in 1995.
Ongaku Tsukuuru: Kanadeeru is a Miscellaneous game, developed by Success and published by ASCII Entertainment, which was released in Japan in 1996. It is a Satellaview-compatible S...
RPG Tsukuuru 2 is a Satellaview-compatible Slotted Cartridge game belonging to ASCII's Tsukuuru series. The title of these games are portmanteau-word puns mixing the Japanese word...