Help Dr. Fetus create the perfect Meat Boy clone in a unique new twist on the tile-matching puzzle genre. In classic Meat Boy fashion, an endless cavalcade of devious and deadly tr...
a role playing game spin-off of the Hanjuku Hero. Between Egg Monster invasions, Lord Almamoon has begun slacking off. In order to counteract this, his minister Sebastian sends him...
Gyakuten Hanafuda is an Ace Attorney-themed hanafuda video game featuring Maya Fey, Mia Fey, and Franziska von Karma.
Gyakuten Saiban Poker is a poker video game featuring Ace Attorney characters and themes released to coincide with the mobile release of Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney in Japan. The...
Gyakuten Puzzle Irekaeru Gyakuten is a competitive puzzle game for cellphones published by Capcom, based on the Ace Attorney series. The game is turn-based, where players compete t...
Danmaku Amanojaku Gold Rush is a one-stage danmaku mini game and publicly-unreleased installment of the Touhou Project, featuring Seija Kijin as the sole playable character and Rei...