Kanon is a Japanese visual novel developed by Key that follows the life of Yuichi Aizawa, a high school student who returns to a city he last visited seven years prior, and he has...
Experience virtual MiniGolf on your computer and master an entertaining match on over 50 challenging courses, 18 of which have been faithfully modelled after official courses in th...
Star Trek is a text-based computer game that puts the player in command of the USS Enterprise on a mission to hunt down and destroy an invading fleet of Klingon warships. It was de...
Mugen Souls is an RPG developed by Compile Heart with collaboration from GCREST. The main protagonist of Mugen Souls, Chou-Chou, plans to conquer the universe by subjugating the se...
Black Prophecy is a space action multiplayer game with RPG elements. The prologue is linear: the player has to survive the conflict between the Tyi (technology) and the Genides (bi...
Terminal Velocity is a simulation video game. It is an arcade-style flight combat game, with simpler game controls and physics than flight simulators. It is known for its fast, hig...
Command Adventures: Starship is a game focusing on exploration, space combat and ground combat. The player chooses from among 12 races and begins at a starbase. Options are availab...
Infinite Space, ролевая игра исключительно для портативной системы Nintendo DS, разворачивается в открытом космосе и дает игрокам возможность управлять, строить, оснащать и настраи...
Галактика повстанцев - это остросюжетная, дерзкая космическая опера. Вы будете сражаться с пиратами, исследовать аномалии, дружить с инопланетянами, собирать обломки сражений, добы...
Turrican II: The Final Fight - это платформер / шутер, который обычно можно увидеть на консолях, но изначально разработанный для домашних компьютеров. Его сюжет - естественно -...
A.G.E. is a follow-up to Galactic Empire. Like its predecessor, it is a first-person space exploration game rendered in 3D. As you pilot your spacecraft around the planets and star...
Five clones scattered throughout the galaxy, draining your life force. You must find and assimilate them before the ship's auto-bionic functions take over completely... and render...
Cybernoid: The Fighting Machine is a shoot 'em up developed and published in 1987 by Hewson Consultants for the ZX Spectrum, and was then ported to the Amstrad CPC, Atari ST, Commo...
Based on the arcade game, in Escape from the Planet of the Robot Monsters you are sent in on a rescue mission to Planet X. This planet has been taken over by robots and you must fi...
Exile is a single-player action-adventure video game originally published for the Acorn Electron and BBC Micro in 1988 by Superior Software and later ported to the Commodore 64, Am...
The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy is a classic Interactive Fiction game. Though divergent from the source material, the main characters, locations, and concepts are here. Unlike...
Project-X is a scrolling shooter game for the Amiga computer released in 1992. It was also ported to DOS. Developed and published by Team17, it was regarded as one of the best sho...
Xenophobe is a 1987 arcade game and the goal of each level is to defeat all the aliens before time runs out. Levels may contain more than one floor, and players use elevators or ho...
ALF must collect parts of his spacecraft in this top-down action game.
2010: The Graphic Action Game is a puzzle/maze game with elements from 2010: Odyssey Two where the player must save the Discovery from crashing onto the surface of Jupiter's volcan...
Gorf actually consists in the Arcade version of five different types of space shooters. The first one ist basically is a Space Invaders clone. In the second one a formation of spac...
Gyruss is a shoot 'em up video arcade game developed by Konami, and released in 1983. It was designed by Yoshiki Okamoto, who had earlier created Time Pilot for Konami. Gyruss was...
Star Trek: Strategic Operations Simulator is an arcade action game where you take control of the Starship Enterprise. Your mission is to save the Federation from NOMAD! Before you...
This is a humorous point and click adventure game from the creator of the Simon the Sorcerer series of games. You play an alien called Feeble (who is voiced by Robert Llewyllyn, be...
In this psychedelic sci-fi Olympiad, athletes from planets across the galaxy gather to compete in the Purple Saturn Day games.
Zynaps is a traditional left to right shooter
Throughout time, man has been a victim of his own intelligence and his insatiable thirst for knowledge. The Planet Katakis is a horrifying example. Scientists created Machines w...
This is where it all began – way back in 1993 with the original Stardust, a legendary shoot-em-up for the Amiga 500 (an Atari STE version followed in ‘94) that wowed critics and ga...