One summer evening, a young man and a woman were driving down a winding mountain road. You take the role of the young man. The young woman is named Nami. The two of you attend the...
The Yakutsu Noroi Game is a Japan-only Play Station horror visual novel game that is sequel to Yuujou Dangi. The protagonists visit an abandoned school at midnight to dig out a ti...
Yaku - Yuujou Dangi is a first person perspective adventure game in which the player controls a young kid and his friend (a young girl) that decide to enter a mysterious mansion on...
In 1888 in Yoshiwara, the pleasure district of Tokyo, a man meets a woman. Soon after, the illustrious escort Hakuhi dies, her throat slit by a gilded silver hairpin. So begins a...
The game features 100 game-original stories with unique graphics and sounds, described as sometimes fun, other times scary, and occasionally moving. Each story can be completed in...