Sonic: After the Sequel (abbreviated Sonic ATS), is a fan game created by LakeFeperd that is meant to explain the events that may have taken place between Sonic the Hedgehog 2 and...
Sonic Before the Sequel (abbreviated Sonic BTS) is a fan game created by LakeFeperd that is meant to explain the events that may have taken place between Sonic the Hedgehog 1 and S...
Sonic Chrono Adventure is the last in LakeFeperd's series of Sonic fangames made in Sonic Worlds, an engine built within Multimedia Fusion 2. It was developed at a time After The S...
In Sonic.EXE, you start as Tails and move through a level. But things don't look right. All the little animals have been slaughtered. Then you find Sonic. But Sonic doesn't look ri...
Sonic Robo Blast 2, сокращенно SRB2, - это фанатская игра для платформ Windows и DOS. Это 3D-платформер, разработанный группой под названием Sonic Team Junior, использующий модифиц...
Sonic Time Twisted is an open-source Classic Sonic style fan-made game, headed by Overbound. The game tries to improve upon the best features from Sonic the Hedgehog CD and the oth...
Retro Sonic was a fan game project by Christian The Taxman Whitehead which would, later on, become the Retro Engine.
Sonic Freedom is a 2D hand drawn platformer developed by tripplejaz and marmitoTH in Unity. The sonic fan game wants to bring Sonic into the modern era of platformers with a faithf...
A short game that envisions a world where Sonic the Hedgehog is able to slow down and take his time.
Sonic 3: Angel Island Revisited (Sonic 3 A.I.R.) is an unofficial port of Sonic 3 & Knuckles for Windows PCs. It very closely resembles the original game, but adds features you wou...
Sonic Robo Blast is an early Sonic fan game from 1998, created by Sonikku, real name Johnny Wallbank, of Sonic Team Junior. It is one of the earliest Sonic fangames to exist and le...
Gameplay heavily inspired by Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3, Sonic Smackdown brings the fast paced combos and intuitive controls to the Sonic franchise. You'll be able to pull off com...
Sonic Hexacide is a Sonic fangame developed by DJ Coco using concepts based on the design of Sonic Lost World. The levels are built in a tubular 3D design, and the graphics are mad...
Sonic Chaos is a fan game and re-imagining of the 1993 Sega Game Gear and Master System platform game of the same name. Based on the current style of 2D classic Sonic games inspire...
Sonic Before the Sequel Aftermath is a short fangame combining traditional Classic Sonic gameplay with the exploration found in the Metroidvania genre. This game is often considere...
Introducing a Sonic fan-game titled Sonic vs Darkness. This game is a remake of Nefault1st's first Sonic fan-game Sonic vs Darkness (2011), which began as a sprite-animated Sonic s...
Ultimate Flash Sonic is a 2-D side scroller made by Dennis-Gid. It was uploaded to Newgrounds on Febuary 21, 2004.
This fan game tells the story of why chaos emeralds are no longer used in recent Sonic games. What events took place after Sonic Unleashed before Sonic Lost World, which prevents t...
Sonic 2 HD is an unofficial overhaul of SEGA’s franchise classic for the modern world. It is made for fans, by fans, with no financial gain whatsoever. From the very beginning of...
Chao Resort Island is a 2.5D Chao raising game available for PC and Mac! The game takes place on a tropical island which hosts multiple resorts for you to raise your Chao in.
Sonic P-06 is a platform game developed by Argentinian programmer ChaosX for Windows. It is an unofficial remake of the 2006 video game Sonic the Hedgehog, originally developed by...
Sonic Riders EVO is a Sonic Riders fan game - a re-imagining of Sonic Riders and Sonic Riders ZG with the creator's own ideas to put a spin on it.
Sonic Galactic is a 2D fan-game inspired by the Classics. Taking a more Saturn approach with its art direction, Galactic aims to be a sort of continuation to where the classics lef...
A Remake of the 8 bit version of Sonic The Hedgehog 2. It adds new playable characters and demakes of the Sega Genesis stages. It also boasts a widescreen aspect ratio and a rock s...
This is a clone of Joywave Heardle (which in turn was modeled on Heardle and K-Pop Heardle) that is focused on Sonic the Hedgehog. Each Sonic Heardle is randomly chosen from one o...
It’s a Robo Blast from the past! It’s time for a brand new version of Sonic Robo Blast! The classic fan game last updated back in 1998, modernized with love and care on the Core Pl...
Sonic and The Fallen Star is a 2D speed-based platformer in the style of the 2D Classic Sonic games.
Project X: Love Potion Disaster is fan-erotic game based on Sonic The Hedgehog universe. The gameplay is 2D scrolling beat'em up, where you play for the character, that you choose...