Join us on a wild ride through the best action cartoon series on TV, Dragonball Z. The story begins after Goku defeats Piccolo at the World Marital Arts Tournament and he comes to...
The third installment in the Dragon Ball Z: Budokai series begins another tournament of champions where only one fighter can prevail. As one of the characters from the Dragon Ball...
Mike LeRoi -- the embittered protagonist of the original Shadow Man title, is tasked yet again with saving Liveside and the parallel world of Deadside. In this third-person action-...
Second Sight is primarily stealth-action, using psychic abilities to stealthily move through levels. Due to it's dark atmosphere, it could be considered a psychological thriller. T...
X-Men: The Official Game (also known as X3: The Official Game) is Activision's tie-in video game to the 2006 film X-Men: The Last Stand. The game covers the events of the films X2:...
In Avatar: The Last Airbender - Into the Inferno, players will play as Aang and friends in this action-packed video game based on the final season of the highly acclaimed TV series...
A direct sequel to the first Avatar game, The Burning Earth takes place during the second book of the Avatar series. The game has gained notoriety for having the easiest achievemen...
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 is the final game in the series of Harry Potter movie adaptations. It closely follows the plot of the movie of the same name. The game...
Действие происходит в 2161 году, глобальное потепление привело к расколу США на две части. Перелом рассказывает историю Джета Броуди, солдата Атлантического альянса (бывшее Восточн...
Alien³ was released after the Alien 3 film. After success on the Super Nintendo and Genesis platforms, the game was built and ported to other systems, including the Commodore 64 an...
Real Boxing features ultra-realistic motion capture from real boxers, with amazing graphics, you'll be sure to feel every hook, jab, and uppercut. Train your fully customizable box...
The Chaos Engine 2 is the sequel to The Chaos Engine. The Chaos Engine 2 is a top-down action game like its predecessor, but is this time always a split-screen two-player game. The...
Matt Hazard: Blood Bath and Beyond is designed as a 2D side scroller in order to give it a retro feel. You once again take on the role of Matt Hazard, parodying gaming clichés. In...
This mod is part of the POSTAL Fudge Pack. It features the undead, demons and more plot twists than you can shake a stick at.
Based on the television show of the same name, this third-person shooter ties the third and fourth season of the show together, putting the player in the shoes of dirty cop Vic Mac...
As Batman, Robin, or Batgirl, roam the streets of Gotham City and use your detective skills to foil the plans of Mr. Freeze, Poison Ivy, and Bane in this video game tie-in with the...