Mega Man X: Command Mission, known as Rockman X Command Mission in Japan, is a spin-off game in the Mega Man X series. It was released in 2004 on both the PlayStation 2 and the Nin...
It's the third chapter in the Mega Man Zero action adventure series for the Game Boy Advance. Featuring a new customization system, you can now equip Zero, with a combination of ch...
В Rosenkreuzstilette игрок берет под свой контроль Спиритию Розенберг в традиционной манере Мега-человека; перемещаясь по этапам, заполненным врагами и ловушками, побеждая босса эт...
Magical Kids Doropie is a side-scrolling action-adventure video game for the Family Computer, developed by Vic Tokai in 1990.
Встаньте на место Фрейд Нойваль, хладнокровной и собранной молодой женщины, выполняющей миссию по спасению своей лучшей подруги от имперской охоты на ведьм. Rosenkreuzstilette Fre...
Rockmen R is a doujin game where Mega Man is kidnapped by the evil Dr. Wily. It is up to his little sister, Roll, to save him!
Takkoman -Kouzatsu World- is a stylish 2D action game born from character fan art based on the Touhou series, featuring individually unique creatures running rampant across all thi...
A Touhou Doujin game based on Rockman (Megaman), developed by Capricorn.
A Touhou fangame that takes heavy inspiration from the Mega Man Battle Network series, as well as from the Mega Man Zero and Mega Man Star Force series. Development was canceled in...
Endless Attack Mode will be added to the Game Menu. Try to get as far as you can in a stage without end. (Distance measured in screens.) Mega Man must make his way through an endl...
This mode gives the player the ability to play as Proto Man (also known as Blues in Japan), who has the Proto Buster, the ability to slide, and use his Proto Shield for defense. Ho...
Mega Man must make his way through the city, confronting several mini-bosses and bosses (including the elephant, dragon, rock, and shark sub) in order to confront Dr. Light's arres...
Alters the enemy placement in the game by adding enemies to new places. It also alters the placement of some of the special environment gimmicks like portals or rising/lowering blo...
Alters the enemy placement in the game by adding enemies to even more places. It also alters the placement of some of the special environment gimmicks like portals or rising/loweri...
A Touhou Doujin game based on Rockman (Megaman), developed by Capricorn.
MegaAri is a 2d plaftorm, doujin game based on the Touhou Project series.
A doujin game by YuuYuutei based on the Touhou Project series.