The father of Final Fantasy, Hironobu Sakaguchi, and renowned composer Nobuo Uematsu return to deliver an original RPG story. Experience an enhanced version of FANTASIAN, initially...
After having survived the dangers he encountered on his previous journey, the hero travels with the wizard Erasmus to a Greece-like country called Silmaria. Its king was recently m...
Welcome to the world of Lunar, where reigns the magic and dragons still live. Join Alex, a young adventurer and his companions Luna, Ramus and Nall, to save the land of the Magic E...
Yakuza 4 - четвертая игра в серии криминальных драматических фильмов компании Sega, известной в Японии как Ryu ga Gotoku. Впервые в серии сюжет разделен между точками зрения четыре...
Dragon Quest Monsters is a turn-based RPG that involves recruiting monsters to fight for you in random encounters. Two recruited monsters can be fused together for a better one and...
Second Wind is a roguelike RPG in which you'll explore random dungeons as you battle monsters, upgrade your equipment and complete quests. You can choose and unlock new characters...
Persona 2: Innocent Sin - японская ролевая видеоигра, разработанная и выпущенная компанией Atlus. Это вторая часть серии Persona, являющаяся продолжением оригинальной Persona. Ориг...
Initial Daydream is a Pulp RPG in the style of NES JRPGs, specifically the early Dragon Quest and Final Fantasy entries. Towns, dungeons, turn based battles, goofy plot and dialogu...
Xenosaga Episode II: Jenseits von Gut und Böse is a direct sequel to the first episode of the science-fiction RPG Xenosaga series.
Dragon Quest VI не получал улучшенного ремейка на консоли до выхода Nintendo DS. Усовершенствованный ремейк Dragon Quest VI для Nintendo DS был анонсирован Square Enix в конце 2007...