Monster Rancher 2 (released 1999) is a video game and the second North American and Japanese installment in the Monster Rancher series. In Europe (and other PAL locations) Monster...
The Idolmaster is a Japanese raising simulation game. It was released in 2005 as an arcade game and is the first game in The Idolmaster series. It was ported to the Xbox 360 in 200...
The Idolmaster 2 is a Japanese raising simulation video game in The Idolmaster series. The story in The Idolmaster 2 is told from the perspective of a producer in charge of leading...
The Idolmaster: One For All is a Japanese raising simulation video game in The Idolmaster series. The story in One For All is told from the perspective of a producer in charge of l...
The Idolmaster: Dearly Stars is a Japanese life simulation video game. The game is a spin-off of The Idolmaster series and its timeline coincides before the events in The Idolmaste...
The Idolmaster: Cinderella Girls is a Japanese free-to-play simulation video game developed for the Mobage social network platform for mobile phones. It was first released for feat...