Embark on an epic adventure into the unknown as you search for Captain Walsh and his missing crew of adventurers; lost on an uncharted Island. Explore ancient ruins and search for...
Chamber of the Sci-Mutant Priestess (originally entitled Kult: The Temple of Flying Saucers) is a puzzle-solving adventure game. To solve the puzzles, Raven will sometimes need to...
A 2D point & click adventure game with some distinct retro qualities. The gameplay consists of navigating around the village, talking with characters and interacting with various o...
SAMA is a hand painted, digging and puzzle adventure where you take the role of a mining ship and the little Alien blob crew hijacked by a pirate ship. Your Aliens have to dig, fig...
Frankenstein: The Dismembered Bride is a hidden object game loosely based on the 1818 novel by Mary Shelley and other derivative works. Most of the time, the player has to explore...
Animal Bomber is a game where your focus is to eliminate all enemies and stay alive at the end. It’s a truly engaging, fun game where tactics are very important if you want to win....