Kick-Ass is a fully 3D action fighting game set in the third-personperspective, where the player can play and control modern day superheroes based on the super characters found in...
Set in the vast world of Untitled, Revenge of the Bitch combines adventure and classic turn-based battle sequences with monsters ranging from adorable housecats to ruthlessly high...
Despite the title and cover, Shit!! is a simple puzzle game.
This game is based around cult ‘alternative comedian’ Ade Edmondson’s book of the same name. Having gate-crashed a party full of sophisticated well-behaved types, you must do every...
Another horror platformer from John George Jones.
Surf through the afterlife in a rocket-propelled coffin in this game from Arcane Kids.
Players control an eskimo that transforms into a werewolf in this game by Cactus.
Stealth games are awesome. Hiding from The Man, skulking in shadows, the thrill of infiltration. But why do they have to be so... slow? That was the question that spawned Stealth...