The game loosely follows the adventures of Ash Ketchum throughout his journey in the anime. You travel from Kanto all the way to Alola, including the Orange Islands and Battle Fron...
Legends of the Arena is a fan-made Pokémon game, made using RPG Maker XP. It is about a young hero who signs up to the International Pokémon Championships with his brother. He f...
New Strategies for your Favorite Pokémon! Changes were made to help and improve all those Pokémon that never shone in either VGC or Smogon while I tried my best at maintaining the...
Pokémon: Type Wild is a fan made fighting game made by former animators of the Pokémon Anime. The game consist of nine Pokémon, each with their own move-set. These Pokémon are: Gen...
Penko Park is a game about exploring an abandoned wildlife park. Meet its mysterious inhabitants by taking photos and interacting with the world!.
Welcome to Pokemon Sweet Version, where battles are carried out with the power of dessert! Travel through a confectionate wonderland that resembles Kanto but is quite different, as...
Pokémon: Blossom of the Soul is a fangame created by DrawnToast released on October 3rd, 2020. With a new story set in the all new Caracara region, it features almost every Pokémon...
Revisit the Sinnoh region and the story of the Pokémon Diamond Version game Experience the nostalgic story from the Pokémon Diamond Version game in a reimagined adventure, Pokémon...
Вернитесь к региону Синно и истории игры Pokémon Pearl Version Окунитесь в ностальгическую историю из игры Pokémon Pearl Version в переосмысленном приключении Pokémon Shining Pearl...
Игра Pokémon Legends: Arceus посвящена основному игровому процессу прошлых игр Pokémon, в то же время привнося новые элементы экшена и RPG. Вам нужно будет ловить, обследовать и...
PokExp is a French Fangame about Pokémon, with a large community ! Fight trainers, find shinies and other glowing Pokémon, encounter legends in an unique world !
Snorlax's Lunchtime is a simple mini-game. Here, various items get put in front of Snorlax and you have to press the A button to eat it. The sooner you press the A Button, the more...
PokeXGames is an Pokémon themed MMORPG, play with friends, discover a new world, explore the continents, find treasures, solve puzzles. Find your epic journey, with a classic histo...
Pokémon Sacred Gold is a hack of Pokémon HeartGold for the Nintendo DS. Like Drayano's many other Pokémon hacks, it makes all Pokémon available, makes changes to a variety of diffe...
This hack is an adaptation of the Pokémon Adventures/Special Manga in the eyes of Red. It follows the story of this trainer from Pallet Town as he embarks on his own Pokémon Journe...
Pokémon Red++ is a hack of Pokémon Red created by Mateo. The hack uses the Pokered Disassembly from the users at Skeetendo as a base. It is intended both as a Rombase for people wh...
Pokémon Splice is a Pokémon fan game. It is not a ROM hack, but rather a game for PC made in RPG Maker XP, using Pokemon Essentials. Play as a research assistant, helping Professo...
PokéScape 3D is a short game where you play as a Smeargle trying to escape the city.
Pokémon Beekeeper is a Pokémon fan game. It is not a ROM hack, but rather an RPG Maker XP game. It is a resource management game where you own an apiary. You and Herdier farm honey...
A perfectly normal Pokemon game about pizza, time travel, and the end of the world. Keep your hands and feet inside the comfort of your home at all times. Features roughly 4 hours...
Pokémon Quantum is a fan made Pokémon game. It is not a ROM hack, but rather a game made in RPG Maker XP. Are you prepared to see what it's like to live among the microscopical? A...
Pokémon D.W. is a fan made Pokémon game. It is not a ROM hack, but rather a game made in RPG Maker XP, using Pokemon Essentials. This game is just about 100% open world, you can d...
For Generations, Pokémon has been a game where you get your starter from the professor, catch wild Pokémon, Beat the gym leaders, defeat the elite 4 and inevitably become Champion....
Pokémon Psychic Seeds is a homebrew puzzle-platform game for the Pokémon mini. The player controls Exeggcute eggs, and has to cycle through all of them to solve puzzles and take th...
Lei Dian Huang Bi Ka Qiu Chuan Shuo (also known as Pokémon Yellow) is a pirated game for the NES made by Shenzhen Nanjing. It's generally regarded as being of higher quality compar...
Pokémon Diamond is a bootleg/pirate game which is a mod of Keitai Denjuu Telefang Power Version. It shouldn't be confused with the actual Pokémon Diamond, released later for the Ni...
Pokémon Jade is a bootleg/pirate game which is a mod of Keitai Denjuu Telefang Speed Version. Its counterpart is Pokémon Diamond (the bootleg, not the official game by Nintendo).