Wayfinder is a web-based generative art game that takes the player on a contemplative cause-and-effect journey through nature. Combining artificial intelligence, machine learning...
Krai. Digital-Poetry Vol. 1 is the first collection of 5 digital-poetry Krai games created by variously gone-mad poets.
Our Lady of Pyres is add-on for Fallen London, a browser-based choose-your-own-adventure game set in Fallen London, an alternative Victorian London with gothic overtones. Our Lady...
The Blemmigan Affair is add-on for Fallen London, a browser-based choose-your-own-adventure game set in Fallen London, an alternative Victorian London with gothic overtones. The Bl...
Folds of a Separation is a short rumination on a state's control over bodies and the grief that stems from carceral violence.
PoeticRambling is coded as a layered ramble in Twine. With an interactive fiction approach to a ramble that happens to rhyme.
Spanning across time and realities, Hana Awase: New Moon is the story of a young woman drawn into the web of the game kasen, played with hanafuda cards. Through playing, she comes...