Mario Bros. is an arcade game published by Nintendo and developed by Shigeru Miyamoto. The platform puzzle which first introduced Luigi to the world has both single and multiplayer...
He's a plumber, she's a daddy's girl. Only you can get them together, or tear them apart! Plumbers have everything: Greed, sex, spirituality, white-knuckle chases, shameful proposi...
Kill the Plumber is a challenging anti-platformer game. Play as the enemies instead of the hero for a unique new experience!
Game developed by RedLynx for Nokia N-Gage
Frisky Tom is a 1981 arcade game by Nichibutsu. The object of the game is to provide enough water for a shower by crawling along a network of plumbing pipes and picking up/replacin...
Frisky Tom is an action game released by Nichibutsu in 1981. Control Tom the plumber, and fix the water pipes broken by mice. The mice not only break the pipes, they also attack an...
Tiny Plumbers is an ultra low resolution 2D platformer where the levels are procedurally generated.
Plumber Survivors is an arena action with Roguelike elements. Play as the formidable Plumber (and his friends), repel hordes of zombies and other vile creatures. Grab you plunger t...