Return to the beautiful and dangerous world of Midgard! Inspired by Norse mythology, the much-anticipated sequel to the groundbreaking Ragnarok Online has arrived! Immerse yourself...
Set in the near future, Xsyon is an apocalyptic fable. The world draws its inspiration from history, mythology, and prophecies of the Apocalypse. Most aspects of modern life are no...
Darkspore was a video game that borrowed creature editing technology from Spore. It was described as a fast-paced, science fiction action-role-playing game in which the player batt...
Knight Online is a PvP-centric Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game that has been under continuous development for almost a decade. Two nations: El Morad and Karus - or m...
In this massively-multiplayer online game, ArchLord features an advanced player-vs-player combat system, utilizing sprawling free battle areas and special guild battlefields that e...
Global Agenda is a free-to-play, science-fiction, third person-perspective shooter RPG with several characteristics of the traditional MMO developed by Hi-Rez Studios.
RF Online, which stands for 'Rising Force Online', is a Korean MMORPG that was developed by CCR, and published by Sega in Japan and Codemasters in the United States and Europe. It...
A free-to-play MMORPG developed by Hanbitsoft and published worldwide by CBM Interactive
Asheron's Call 2: Fallen Kings is a MMORPG, with a monthly subscription, that was released on November 22, 2002 as a sequel to the original Asheron's Call. The severs for AC2 were...
MU Online is a highly involved fantasy RPG based on the legendary Continent of MU. MU established a basic frame of various online games and other following games and regarded as a...
Explore an imaginative world, filled with Martial Arts and Adventure, as you delve into the intricate tapestry of Ancient China. If you are a fan of Wuxia, you will definitely LOVE...
Florensia is a Free-to-Play MMORPG and with it´s 3D anime style the game shows you its legendary worlds ashore and at sea. Mysterious islands, the great ocean, dungeons, picturesq...
Perfect World International, the visually stunning free-to-play online game with unparalleled character customization and amazing gameplay.
A free MMORPG developed by the Korean company Ons On Soft. It is hosted for the North American market by Outspark and by gamigo for the EU territories. Experience the fantastic fr...
Twelve Sky is a Massively Multi-Player Online Role Playing Game. It takes place in a 3D-representation of the world of Middle Ages China that players can interact with through thei...
Scion of Fate Online, one of the top MMORPG game in the history, now available on Steam.
A free to play MMORPG by Atlus Online.
Shadow War is a MMORPG set in a fantasy Eastern-themed environment. The game was released in Taiwan and Brazil and, even though officially offline since 2013, it still has active p...
Wyndblast is a blockchain-based game built on the Avalanche network. Players can collect and battle unique NFT digital fighters, including assaulter, ranger, and vanguard classes,...
Cataclysm returns players to the two continents of Azeroth for most of their campaigning, after years away in Outland and Northrend. New zones opened such as Mount Hyjal, the sunke...
World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade, the first expansion for World of Warcraft. Including an increase of the level cap, the introduction of the blood elves and the draenei as pl...
Arcmaze is a free-to-play browser 3D MMORPG with first-person view and grid-based movement set in dark fantasy medieval world with multiple dungeons. Develop your character and exp...
Погрузитесь в мир Destiny 2, чтобы исследовать тайны Солнечной системы и испытать отзывчивый шутер от первого лица. Разблокируйте мощные способности стихий и собирайте уникальное с...
Окунитесь в постоянно расширяющуюся историю всего Тамриэля в The Elder Scrolls Online, отмеченной наградами онлайн-RPG. Исследуйте богатый, живой мир с друзьями или отправляйтесь в...
Diablo - это изометрическая стратегическая RPG и один из самых известных примеров поджанра action-RPG. Хотя некоторые игровые механики напоминают типичную RPG, все действия выполня...
В мире, раздираемом конфликтами, где человеческие королевства практически уничтожены, а гильдии жертвуют всем ради шанса контролировать Зал Героев, чемпион должен восстать из руин...
Star Trek Online - это ведущая бесплатная MMORPG от Cryptic Studios и Perfect World Entertainment, действие которой разворачивается в знаменитой вселенной Star Trek. Наденьте офици...