In the future, a young net-battler named Lan, boots his 'personal exploration terminal' (PET) and prepares to hack into the network to battle net crime. Lan's PET is no ordinary ne...
Enter the futuristic universe of Mega Man.EXE in this new adventure in the Battle Network series. Join him in his battle to fight cyber crimes in this mega role playing adventure....
Mega Man Network Transmission, known in Japan as Rockman EXE Transmission (ロックマン エグゼ トランスミッション), is a video game developed by Arika and published by Capcom and Sho...
Battle-focused installment in the Mega Man (Rockman) franchise. Bring it On... Rise to the Challenge! Face off against your opponents, 4arn new battle cards and chips and power 'em...
The Pokémon phenomenon debuts on WiiWare with My Pokémon Ranch, a game that lets you watch as Pokémon and Miis interact with each other for the first time. Enjoy the relaxing ranch...
Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth – Hacker's Memory - это ролевая игра, в которую играют от третьего лица, где игрок берет под свой контроль Кейсуке Амасаву, укротителя Дигимонов, которы...
Гибридный виртуальный / реальный котенок, предназначенный для виртуальной реальности. Закрепив гусеничный контроллер на одной из ваших плюшевых игрушек, вы переносите эту игрушку в...
Come play with Bogo, your very own virtual pet! Bogo is a short Oculus Quest experience that features a scaling play area. is a 2D survival game taking place in the wild forrest. The player controls 2 characters in the game - yourself (human) and own pet of own selection. The game offers many...
The Yoshi Garden is a ROMhack/mod of Super Mario 64 developed by Kaze Emanuar and released in September 5, 2020. The game is inspired by the Chao Garden from Sonic Adventure, being...
Tired of the daily churn at the office, only to come home to an empty apartment? The Rainbow Dome shelter will help you find the perfect partner to spice up your life! Take a plung...
The Normal Thing is a story about a dog who lost his memory. Sunless forests, strange gardens, weird inhabitants... Start a little journey to retrieve your memory.
This is a 3D platformer that takes players to a new universe of limitless adventures. Join the Kukoos in a corky and upbeat adventure to rescue the brainwashed pets. Enter the Kuko...
A violent storm has hit the area near Martinshof. Mount up and see what damage the storm has done. Ride across the fields, jump over numerous obstacles and have Bibi the witch magi...
Hello Kitty no o-Uchi he o-Ide yo! is a collection of 30 mini-games where the players can learn about Kitty's house, cooking, painting, design clothes, play games in the park, play...
Growing My Grandpa! is a narrative-driven point-and-click horror game with virtual pet elements.
Nowadays playing games can often be stressful than relaxing… So why not play this whenever you feel like relaxing and befriending cats? Craft items/furniture the kitties love! Cra...
Ovivim is a virtual pet for streamers that lives on Twitch streams by its own free will. These little creatures come in many different forms, and how they grow depends on how you c...
Fracctal Monsters is a play-and-earn virtual petcare game built on the Algorand Blockchain. It uses Algorand NFTs to simulate the growth and evolution of unique pets, and is a prog...