In this touch-typing JRPG for PC-98, created by Michiaki Tsubaki with ASCII, you play as the Milky Way's #1 typist, summoned to planet Kumdor to fight mysterious monsters with typo...
The space federation has assigned you a critical mission on planet Sagoth: defeat the forces of Geisel, a professor turned conqueror. Using lost technology found within Sagoth's ru...
This pseudo-3D sports car driving game has you racing the clock to complete 4 laps around each track. Like OutRun and other classics that inspired it, you just have a basic acceler...
Slot machine doujin game developed by Shingo.
Pac-man clone with Carbuncle against some Puyos. Eat some curry to defeat them! Game has two modes: Scotra Mode and Variety Mode.
Keep your workers focused!
Players must grab their weapons and descend into several labyrinthine floors, full of monsters and hazards, in this 2D FPS. Each level has a mix of baddies and collectibles, plus d...
Model Employee is a corporate horror visual novel where players take control of the latest individual amongst millions to start working in one of Tethys' online shopping labyrinthi...