50 years after humans vanished from the face of the Earth, nature reclaimed the city of Paris, leaving a breathtaking playground. As an eagle, you soar past iconic landmarks, dive...
A three-man activist group has set out to make the world a better place by stealing famous pieces of art in the world's most renowned museums, selling them to private collectors, a...
THE ARCHITECT: Paris is a City Building game unlike any ever seen before. Closer to reality, it will confront you with the challenges of city management and development as the head...
Ночной звонок - это новый вид нелинейного повествования и нуарной игры, действие которой происходит в Париже, Франция. Используя реальную карту города (~ 105 км2 или ~ 40,5 миль 2...
Illusion is a puzzle exploration game set in the ambience of the early 1920’s Parisian cabaret. Step into the shoes of a young girl named Emma and live her adventures as she is tra...
Frag like it’s 1996 – this time with even more asses to kick! Join the world’s greatest action hero in Duke Nukem 3D: 20th Anniversary World Tour as he saves Earth once again, kick...
Embark on a breathtaking adventure to France: solve beautifully crafted themed puzzles, collect souvenirs and learn fun facts about your destination.
A unique musical hidden object game where you search the streets of Paris for singing kittens from a choir and money bags to hire and assemble a cat band. As orchestra conductor, y...
The beautifully hand-drawn art of the Hidden Cats Series levels from Nukearts is now in a Jigsaw Puzzle game! Enjoy the free content from Paris City and get more from DLCs.