A tile matching puzzle game for the Super Famicom, the first in the Puzzle League series. It was later modified to feature Yoshi and Mario related characters to be released in the...
Flipon is a juicy and fun arcade puzzle game full of surprises! Mine flipoblocks by aligning them to make combos, survive the garbages tempest, solve puzzles and defeats the (cute...
Panel de Pon: Event Version was an event released on the Super Famicom's Satellaview service. This Event version is notable as it predates the original Panel de Pon by 10 days beca...
Panel de Pon is a game included in Nintendo Puzzle Collection for the Nintendo GameCube, which is the finished version of the cancelled Nintendo 64 video game Panel de Pon 64. The...
Puzzle League (also known as Panel de Pon Multiboot) has been released with several Panel de Pon games. It was first released on February 7, 2003 in the Nintendo Puzzle Collection...
Panel de Pon GB Restoration is a ROMhack/mod of Pokémon Puzzle Challenge which intends to restore the game to its original concept of being a game in the Panel de Pon series.