Mega Man Star Force introduces a new lead character, a boy named Subaru Hoshikawa, who puts on special visualizer goggles left to him by his father, triggering a specific wave and...
Guitar Hero: On Tour is a series of music video games based on the Guitar Hero series for the Nintendo DS handheld game system. The series is developed by Vicarious Visions and dis...
Guitar Hero On Tour: Decades расширяет возможности Guitar Hero: On Tour, позволяя вам зажигать под некоторые из самых популярных хитов 70-х, 80-х, 90-х годов и сегодняшнего дня. Пу...
Guitar Hero в туре: Современные хиты привносят в Guitar Hero for the DS современный рок-поворот. С новым режимом запроса фанатов вы можете выбрать свой путь к музыкальной славе и р...
Kouchuu Ouja Mushi King: Greatest Champion e no Michi DS is an action game for the DS. It is based on the Japanese card game Mushi King where players do battle using beetle-like mo...