For the first time ever, a true collaboration of popular Nickelodeon heroes and villains come together and cross over into multiple Nickelodeon cartoon environments, interacting wi...
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is a 2017 arcade brawler developed by Raw Thrills. The game's content is primarily centered around the 2012 TV series, and supports up to four players....
Самая большая коллекция персонажей Nickelodeon, когда-либо собранных в файтинге! Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl объединяет ваших любимых персонажей Nickelodeon в одной грандиозной битв...
Nickelodeon Director's Lab is a movie-making game by Viacom New Media and published by Nickelodeon. A sequel was released called Nickelodeon Multimedia Lab. Slap a few animated eye...
CatDog: Saving Mean Bob was a cancelled action video game based on the popular Nicktoon CatDog for the original PlayStation and PC. Not much is known about it, other than the fact...
Like a lost NES release from 1993, Adventures in Gameland is a fully fleshed NES version of the new upcoming Rugrats game. This is included within the standard release and also as...