Super Mario: Endless Earth is an open-world 2D Mario game. Explore a gigantic world and attempt to track down Bowser's hidden fortresses to rescue the all-powerful Eternal Star Sha...
New Super Mario Bros. 5: Clone Tag Team is a ROM hack/mod for New Super Mario Bros. developed by MarioFanatic64.
New Super Mario Bros. 5: Clone Tag Team is a ROM hack/mod for New Super Mario Bros. developed by MarioFanatic64.
Felix The Cat DS is a rom hack of New Super Mario. Bros that recreates the levels of the NES game Felix the Cat.
Sequel to the New Super Mario Bros. U mod Cloudy SMBU. This mod features 40+ levels, many new tilesets and an original soundtrack composed of brand new tracks and remixes.
New Super Mario Bros. Wii. DS is a rom hack that recreates levels of New Super Mario Bros. Wii in the original New Super Mario Bros.