Flea is a challenging platformer with an intriguing back story. Play as Henry the Hyperactive Flea who just can’t stop jumping! Navigate the beast and collect blood to get the the...
Ploid is a new platform adventure video game (and the sequel to the game V.O.I.D.). Play solo and explore the lost temples in order to gain power and become the ultimate Ploid X of...
Uchūsen is a video game designed and programmed by Napoleón Malpica from NAPE GAMES and Manu Segura from 1985 ALTERNATIVO for 1 day in an internal GameJam at the Fnac’n Pixels 2019...
Polish those magic and thinking skills, because there's no turning back! Help Roniu find his way through a death-defying dungeon and take down a plague of enemies hellbent on keepi...