Super Street Fighter II Turbo, released in Japan as Super Street Fighter II X: Grand Master Challenge, is a competitive fighting game released for the arcades by Capcom in 1994. It...
Street Fighter, designed by Takashi Nishiyama and Hiroshi Matsumoto, made its debut in the arcades in 1987. In this game, the player takes control of martial artist Ryu, who compet...
Две совершенно разные игровые системы, работающие в быстро меняющейся среде реального времени. Будьте командующим своими войсками, а также фронтовым героем своей армии, сражаясь с...
В 22 веке ученые, изучая древние способы магии, открыли новую технику, позволяющую создавать искусственные существа путем смешения ДНК людей и животных. Эти новые существа были наз...
Guilty Gear X is the sequel to 1998's Guilty Gear, a 2D fighting game for the Sony PlayStation that became extremely popular in Japan. Featuring beautiful hand-drawn artwork and an...
Guilty Gear X2, also known as Guilty Gear XX and subtitled The Midnight Carnival in Japan, is a fighting game developed by Arc System Works and published by Sammy Studios. The thir...
Guilty Gear Petit (ギルティギア プチ Giruti Gia Puchi?) is the first handheld version of the Guilty Gear series released. It is followed by the sequel Guilty Gear Petit 2. Much lik...
Guilty Gear Petit 2 is an Action game, developed by Arc System Works and published by Sammy Studios, which was released in Japan in 2001. The game has 13 regular characters and 6...
Guilty Gear X Plus is the fifth entry in the Guilty Gear series. It is a Japan-exclusive enhanced port of Guilty Gear X for the PlayStation 2, containing two extra characters, seve...