Throughout the 20th century, an unprecedented political and economic crisis afflicted Earth, leading to the systematic disabling of it's programme to conquer outer space through la...
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Hyperstone Heist, released in Europe as Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles: The Hyperstone Heist and in Japan as Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Return of...
During the first global biowar, a powerful retrovirus filled the planet Avaron with new and deadly forms of life. Only a few survivors remain in O.P. Odysseus, an orbiting platform...
X-Men is a side-scrolling action game based on the comic book series of the same name. The player can control one of four playable characters: Gambit, Nightcrawler, Wolverine, or C...
Based on the popular role-playing and card game, Doom Troopers casts you as a fearless commando who's been commissioned to save the world from an invading force of mutants. Play as...
X-Men enter the realm of role-playing games with an intense story, superhero action, and multiplayer modes. The story in X-Men Legends begins when the X-Men learn that Magneto has...
X-Men Legends II: Rise of Apocalypse is an action role-playing game and a sequel to X-Men Legends. The player controls a party of four characters, though only one at a time can be...
X-Men: Next Dimension is a fighting game and the third game in the X-Men: Mutant Academy game series. Next Dimension expands upon the concept of the first two games by adding sever...
X-Men: The Official Game (also known as X3: The Official Game) is Activision's tie-in video game to the 2006 film X-Men: The Last Stand. The game covers the events of the films X2:...
2011 год. Прошло пять лет со времени Второй катастрофы, которая затмила события апреля 1986 года. Зону сотрясают частые и мощные выбросы, которые перемещают поля аномалий, открывая...
Человек-паук: Паутина теней - название видеоигры, охватывающее три версии: полноразмерный 3D-экшен для Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 3, Wii и Xbox 360; 2,5-D экшн с боковой прокру...
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Smash-Up - это видеоигра в жанре файтинга для игровых консолей Wii и PlayStation 2. Она была разработана Game Arts в сотрудничестве с Mirage Studios и...
X-Men: Destiny is an action role-playing video game based on the X-Men comic book series. It was developed by Silicon Knights. Written by Mike Carey, the writer of the X-Men: Legac...
Cadillacs and Dinosaurs is a side-scrolling, beat 'em up arcade game based on the comic book series Xenozoic Tales. In the game, the player has access to several attacks. Each char...
The year is 4001. The evil Luna has stolen a time machine and plans to use it to take over the world. You are the Time Gal, a skillful and pretty scientist, and your mission is to...
This is a port of the original DEUS EX: THE FALL experience, first released on iOS and Android in 2013 – action, stealth, hacking, and social gameplay. A prequel story to Deus Ex:...
Area 51 is the only action-packed 1st person shooter set in the U.S. governments most secret and secure military facility. The U.S. Army has received a distress signal from Area 51...
Fully armed with his chainsaw, trusty boomstick, and trademark quips, Ash must once again save Dearborn from the unspeakable horrors spawned from The Book of the Dead. After a vort...
The game follows the story of a man named Jack Carver. Carver is a former service member of the United States Navy, who was dishonorably discharged following a number of illegal ac...
While investigating the enigmatic deaths of American scientists in the Antarctic, a military rescue team encounters a strange shape-shifting alien life-form that assumes the appear...
Rifts: Promise of Power is a 2005 video game. The basic mechanics of the game are adapted from the pen-and-paper version, utilizing an Action Point turn based system.
Spear of Destiny is a prequel to Wolfenstein 3-D. It is a first-person shooter that uses the same engine and has the same gameplay, however the game is not divided into 6 separate...
В Killing Floor 2 игроки отправляются в Европу, где вспышка Zed быстро распространилась и набрала неудержимый импульс. Всего через месяц после завершения событий в оригинальном Kil...
Темный сектор вводит игроков в роль Хейдена Тенно, тайного агента, отправленного с опасной миссией в Ласрию, восточноевропейский город на грани разрушения, который скрывает смертел...
Инопланетяне напали на Землю, убив миллионы за считанные секунды. В отчаянной попытке нанести ответный удар мировые лидеры защитили себя ядерным оружием. Теперь инопланетяне заселя...
Это было 7 июля 2011 года. Расследуя сообщения о незаконном обороте оружия, миротворческие силы столкнулись с неклассифицированным видом плотоядных, обитающим в небольшой деревне н...
Stormrise is a real-time tactics video game developed by The Creative Assembly's Australian studio and published by Sega for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 3, and Xbox 360.
История героя-викинга с богатыми знаниями о викингах. Обширные условия открытого мира и жестокие боевые действия с мифическими силами. Освободите свой народ и создайте огромную арм...