Nana is a simulation game released in 2005 based on the manga of the same name, where the player can choose their character and experience the Tokyo life by meeting other character...
Love, Elections, & Chocolate is a romance visual novel that puts the player in the shoes of a male student named Yuuki Oojima. The game is mostly driven by dialogue, with a limited...
In this game there are two heroes, Kojiroh and Marina, who are each called to solve their own cases, while running into each other. This game allows you to switch characters to sol...
Love, Election & Chocolate Portable is a PlayStation Portable port of the romance visual novel that puts the player in the shoes of a male student named Yuuki Oojima. The game is m...
An upscaled version of Love, Election & Chocolate, now supporting 16:9 and resolutions up to 4K.
Gallery Fake is a mystery adventure visual novel based on the manga with the same name, in which you play as Fujita Reiji and must solve the mysterious events surrounding a few pri...
Gore Screaming Show is a horror visual novel developed by Black Cyc, where a boy named Kyoji seeks to unravel the mysteries that have taken root in his hometown while he was away....