Nichijou: Uchuujin is a visual novel based on the manga series Nichijou, where the player takes the role of a producer from Galaxy TV running the television series Nichijou, whose...
A mini-game collection in the Sakura Taisen series that is playable online. Also included a series of tabletop games packed in. The game was released in two versions, Paris no Nag...
Pocket Mobsters is a social free-to-play online game, with a pixel art style and an organised crime theme.
Mobile mini-games and missions featuring Lego Yoda and others.
A visual novel game for the original PlayStation where the player must help seven spirits learn about the human world.
Rad Raygun is an Xbox Live Indie Game designed to look like an original Game Boy game.
Pokémon: Team Turbo is a game compilation intended for young children, themed after the Pokémon franchise. The game contains six races and five mini-games such as Bulbasaur's Domi...
A licensed anime board game compilation for the Super Famicom which required a Sufami Turbo to play.
A NES adventure game developed by Konami that is based on a Japanese slice-of-life manga. It was never released outside of Japan.
THQ возвращает одно из любимых игровых шоу Америки на консоли в 2012 году для PS3, Xbox 360 и Wii U.
Hudson produced this adventure / dating sim for the PC Engine. As a launch title for the PC Engine CD-ROM in 1988, it served as gaming's first technical showcase of the CD-ROM form...
Balloon Pop Remix is a downloadable title for 3DSWare.
Help Milano earn money in order to decorate her new house!
Players compete in a variety of mini games based around stereotypical gender roles.
Justin Smith's Realistic Summer Sports Simulator is an Olympic game simulator for up to four players. Success is governed by challenging physics based gameplay with a simple graphi...
House? More like HORSE, am I right? Guys?
Jurassic Park III: Danger Zone is an interactive video board game set in Jurassic Park.
A follow-up to the previous year's Pokémon Puzzle Collection for the Pokémon Mini, Vol.2 features both an increased number of Pokémon and a wider variety of mini-games
Pokemon party Mini is handheld game developed for the Pokémon Mini system. This game came bundled with the system.
Big Brother: The Game is a minigame collection that was released in 2001. The aim is to unlock 'special moments' from the TV show by completing a series of catching and tile puzzle...
Step into Tomoyo's shoes and film Sakura in this anime adaption for Dreamcast.
A Kappa's Trail - это игра-путеводитель DSi stylus, в которой игрокам предстоит преодолеть различные трудности, ведя Каппу к его цели: человеческому миру.
Лучшая вечеринка Марио выходит на 3DS.
Guilty Party is a fun and hilarious mystery party game, exclusively for Wii system. Friends and family play as the savvy sleuths of the world-famous Dickens Detective Agency to inv...
Find your own prince charming through exciting mini-games like Seating Arrangement and Press Flowers.
Wolfenstein RPG is a first-person shooter and role-playing video game developed by id Software and Fountainhead Entertainment, released in September 2008 for mobile phones and in M...
Denki Groove produced this music-themed minigame collection.
Harvest Moon: My Little Shop is a WiiWare title released November 23, 2009 for 1200 points. Four DLC releases (priced at 400 points each) have been released.