Psycho Waluigi is a platformer fangame featuring Waluigi and his newly discovered psychic powers in the world of Unconcia. The protagonist must endure through over 30 kingdoms usin...
Super Mario Flashback is a fan game developed by Mors. It is an unofficial game that tries to adapt features from both the 2D and 3D Super Mario platform games.
Super Mario Stardust is an unofficial fan game based on Super Mario Bros. In this original Super Mario platformer, Mario embarks on a quest to save the mushroom people, who have be...
Super Luigi Dreams is an unofficial side-scroller platformer Mario fan game developed by Hatman and published by Mario Fan Games Galaxy. Luigi has to help the fairy Dachi save his...
Go! Go! Gooble!! is an unofficial endless runner fangame based on the Super Mario series. Ew! A toxic Gooble had made it past a time where Mario cleaned up Isle Delfino and was re...