Psycho Waluigi is a platformer fangame featuring Waluigi and his newly discovered psychic powers in the world of Unconcia. The protagonist must endure through over 30 kingdoms usin...
Super Mario Bros. DDX is an unofficial fan game based on the original Super Mario Bros. series, being a side-scroller platformer. It has a set of original levels, sprites and powe...
Super Mario: Blue Twilight DX is a non-profit unofficial fangame based on the Mario universe. It combines elements from 3D Mario titles with classic, 2D gameplay, set in Halloween-...
Swarmed by an evil army of Collector Bros, you must fight to survive. Possess your enemies and cause fights to earn points and buy yourself more time! You aren't alone this time; a...
Castlevania appeared in Mushroom Kingdom. Help Mario explore the castle and stop whoever is behind this. Features: -mix of Castlevania and Mario -huge, exploreable world with map...
Mario Land: Minigame Mayhem is a fan made game based on Mario Party minigames. Features: - Over 80 Minigames to discover and complete to test your wits, timing and skill! - Playi...
Mario Bros - Just For Fun: Super Battle Bros is an unofficial fan game. It is a fighting game. Having not been bothered by any sort of villain for a while, the Mario Brothers have...
Power Star Frenzy is an unofficial fan game with the Mario characters and aesthetics. It was cancelled, having its final demo in 2019 (v0.2.4 SUPERNOVA DEMO), with 45 stars in tota...
Super Mario Pearls of Wisdom is an unofficial fan game with the Mario franchise. Mario and Luigi have been invited on a cruise by Peach and Daisy. However, Tatanga causes chaos fo...
Abducted Toad is an unofficial fan game starring Toad from the Mario series. Toad has been abducted by aliens! Now, with the help of a friendly alien who grants him spectacular po...
Regular Toad Game is an unofficial side-scroller platformer fan game starring Toad from the Mario series. Toad woke up and found himself in a cave? What happens next?
Super Luigi and the Golden Shrooms is an unofficial freeware fan game starring Luigi from the Mario series. Luigi needs to explore many different areas to find and collect golden...
Super Luigi Dreams is an unofficial side-scroller platformer Mario fan game developed by Hatman and published by Mario Fan Games Galaxy. Luigi has to help the fairy Dachi save his...
Paper Bowser World is an unofficial side-scroller platformer fan game. Play as Bowser in an and outrageous adventure to rescue Princess Peach from Mario, or play as Kammy Koopa in...
Super Mario and the Sacred Bells is an unofficial Mario fan game. In this game, Mario, Luigi and Peach must travel the Mushroom Kingdom to ring mystical bells that will rid the ki...
Super Mario Bros. All-Star Quest is an unofficial side-scroller fan game. Join Mario, Luigi, Yoshi, and...Wario, to embark on another adventure to retrieve stars, pummel enemies,...
Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Five Pendants is an unofficial Mario RPG fangame. Mario's peace is interrupted by an odd string of events, tied to some mysterious Pendants.
Go! Go! Gooble!! is an unofficial endless runner fangame based on the Super Mario series. Ew! A toxic Gooble had made it past a time where Mario cleaned up Isle Delfino and was re...
A truly expansive Mario fangame based on Super Mario 64 that combines elements between it, Super Mario Sunshine, and Super Mario Galaxy. Released in 2009 and featuring 64 Shine Spr...
Mario Forever Galaxy is a fixed shooter game developed and published by Softendo. Despite being a direct sequel to Mario Forever, gameplay is radically changed from its predecessor...
Mario has heard rumours of an abandoned mansion that has been close to the Mushroom Kingdom for over a century. Any person who dares step into the mansion's rooms, never returns. M...
Pamela Anderson has been kidnapped by Colonel Sanders and his minions for revealing to the world that KFC's secret recipe is cruelty to chickens! Help the Super Chick Sisters save...
Yoshi vs. Windows is a Yoshi fangame created by Supertoad2k. In it you play as Yoshi trapped in a computer, who needs to stop Bill Gates from taking over the world. It is one of th...
Yoshi vs. Windows Platinum is a remake of the Yoshi VS Windows. It has new and improved levels, graphics and gameplay.
A side-scrolling action game originally published on Naoto’s Script in 2001. It consists of 17 stages including hidden one and its goal is to find a star in each stage, collect 4 s...
Run as far as you can in an infinitely-generating level! Collect coins and moons to buy powerups such as the iconic fire flower and ice flower and the custom blade star, and defeat...
Super Mario RPG: The Seven Sages is a Mario-series fan game created by the team ICU Gigasoft with the RPG Maker 2003 engine. The game tells about Mario, Luigi, and Bowser in a jour...
Spend some time with a depressed, laconic Luigi as he chain smokes and wanders through a crumbling Mushroom Kingdom, ruminating on ontology, ethics, family, identity, and the mista...