GeGeGe no Kitaro 2: Youkai Gundan no Chousen is a RPG game based on a manga and anime from Japan about a boy who is a youkai, a class of spirit-monster to which all of the main cha...
The player controls a boy named Tarosuke, who travels through Jigoku (the Japanese concept of Hell) fighting off yokai (mythical Japanese monsters) on his way to his final fate, as...
A Touhou fangame for 9 Jam! This game is still a work-in-progress and doesn't explain some stuff so read the bullet points below for maximum enjoyment. Feedback is encouraged pleas...
Adds the player character Utsuho Reiuji to Touhou Genso Wanderer Reloaded.
Mystia Lorelei's expansion pack is a collaboration with our new game Touhou Mystia's Izakaya, you will be able to use Mystia Lorelei in game.