About they whisper softly to me is a horror game in development by Pie On A Plate Productions. You take upon the persona of an unnamed character, and must transverse the abstract...
Storyline: In Deluded Mind, you take on the role of Dean Catrall, an FBI agent whose daughter was murdered by a criminal organization looking for revenge. In spite of the tragic lo...
Around the Clock at Bikini Bottom is a first-person low-poly survival horror parody based off of the hit TV series, SpongeBob SquarePants, and the returning wrath of the Jelliens....
This trip is a survival horror game from the first person. You love to go geocaching and do this hobby often. But one night everything changes and geocaching takes a completely dif...
Fourth instalment in the indie horror game series I'm on Observation Duty. A spot the difference -type of puzzle horror game. Monitor live surveillance camera footage and spot anom...
George's mind journey continues in Lost Alone EP. 2 - Daddy. George wakes up in a house that is familiar to him. He doesn't know what year it is. He doesn't know how he got into t...
StrangerZ is a Free to Play Multiplayer Survival Horror game. Play as or survive against the Stranger with your teammates until dawn. Level up your stats and rank by either survivi...